Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Jesus didn't have a Lazy Boy!

Wow, I was encouraged last night when I ran into a precious lady at church who was excited about the Prayer Challenge.  She made me laugh, which by the way, is sooo good for our soul (Ps 2:4~ He who sits in the heavens laughs), when she said she didn’t want to comment on the blog b/c others would know she read it and expect to see some action!  

We’ve all been guilty of having the knowledge of what we should do, but we decide to sit back, kick our feet up and say someone else will do it.  In this day and age the goal of many in the workforce is to work your way to the top.  We want to become the person who gets to tell everyone else what to do; we want to have control of the work schedule so that flexibility is to our advantage, we want to make more money so we can have more things of this world….right?

What if…..our goal was to work our way up to the top of a company, just so we could be the one who was able to tell a mom with a sick child, just stay at home, take care of your child….I’ll get your job done.  What if your main focus was to work your way to the top to make what the world calls a “big salary”, just so you could take that extra money (that the Lord provided for you might I add) and give it to those who need it.  I mean, we all know it’s better to give than to receive….but why in the world do we not take the opportunities to be the “hands and feet” of Jesus?  It’s like we want to be the “butt” of Jesus, we just want to sit back, in our favorite Lazy Boy, prop our feet up and pray that the Lord provides for those in need, instead of doing it ourselves. 

Think about it when Jesus healed the paralytic in Matthew 9, he didn’t tell the disciples to go get the man while I break in this new recliner, Jesus Christ himself, got into a boat to cross over to the city….Jesus “went”.  So my point is, that if we genuinely say we want to be like Jesus then it sounds like we need to get up, we need to go, we need to use what God has give us to meet the needs of the people.  That might be your home, or vehicle, money, hands etc….think about it, we have extremely quick access to people these days.  We just hop a plane, or jump in our cars to get where we need to be.  I ought to be extremely happy to use my air conditioned car to be about the business of Christ, b/c if I could be having to ride a donkey in this Florida heat, PTL for Mr. Ford!

I’m preaching to myself here, trust me!  Thank the Lord for where you are right now in your life, ask Him to reveal to you ways that you can meet the needs of people.  All He has is us to get the word out, don't entertain the devil by chillaxin in your rocker!

Here’s some trivia for you today and something to think about….Do you know the entire Lord’s prayer?  Go ahead and say it…..did you say it?  Now go to Matthew 6:9-13….did you add a few words?

Stacey D


  1. Here's my postcard going out in the mail today:

    Dear Neighbors,
    As Ellie (the boxer) and I go for our morning walk each day, I pray for you as we pass your houses. My prayers simply ask God's favor on you for whatever your needs for the day might be. If there is something more specific for which you would like me to pray, you may email your requests to joytyner@gmail.com.
    Grateful for our little corner of the world, sign my name.
    Across the bottom I put: Love God . . love your neighbor. Matthew 22:37-39
