Friday, August 20, 2010

"Shout Out" to Bill Cosby

“Decide that you want it more than you are afraid of it.”~ Billy Cosby.

Awesome advice that we can apply to our DAILY walk with the Lord.  On my way to work today, I asked the Lord to give me opportunities to laugh and love in Jesus name.  So for those of you who don’t know me very well, I’m a very serious person, laughter is hard for me….NOT…. !  The quote by Cosby is becoming my new mission motto, after all everyone loved the Cosby’s, and I can probably mention his name in school w/out fear of losing my job.  I’m just going to make the “it”, Jesus’ story being proclaimed.  Here comes the funny part about the Cosby thing.  One of the P.E. teachers I’m working with is 3 years from retirement, very quiet and reserved… complete opposite of me.  So remember, I’ve acquired several suffering stories in the past couple of years, and the Lord would love for me to give him the credit for pulling through.  Well today, after only 5 days on the job, I earned a new nickname. 

You see Quintella is the lady I work with, and she asked me my first day if I did bulletin boards…my quick response was no ( I actually hate doing bulletin boards).  So today when I came in, I saw she had been working on the bulletin board in the gym.  I kinda like to change people’s names to protect the innocent, so I told her I was going to start calling her BB Queen.  She said what?  I said, “Bulletin Board Queen”.  So we laughed about it, and went on about the morning.  A few hours later, I was telling her about my friend who ate “horse” while she was on this mission trip to KZ.  She paused for a second and said, “Girl, you’re like Bill Cosby Jr.”, I said, “What does that mean?”  She said, “You’ve got a story for everything”!  She said, “You’re new name is gonna be Cosby”.  And Cosby it is! 

Think about it, God has provided for us, been so faithful and gracious to us, but for some reason we take on the role of a mime when it comes to telling how we’ve pulled through all those times.  It’s time we become like Bill Cosby, and have our kingdom stories ready to share with those who need the Good News.  Make his quote, “Decide that you want it more than you are afraid of it.”, your new mission.  Keep on praying for those on your street.  Cover your family in prayer.  Ya’ll, prayer and Scripture are the only things we have to fight the enemy.  It’s the only things we have to trip him up and slow him down; but he is persistent, the Bible says he comes to kill, steal, and destroy.  But my Jesus says, “Greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world!” 


Stacey D (aka Cosby)

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Well it’s been a while since I’ve written, and I must say, I thought about it every day, but since I’ve been back to work, I’ve just been whipped.  The awesome part about going back to work, is that my wonderful hubby is the one who takes the kids to my friends house every day, which means I get about 30 minutes of ME time in the morning and about the same in the afternoon!  That’s like 5 hours a week…woot, woot! 

This morning after everyone left I prayed for all my neighbors, you know, the ones I like and the one’s I don’t.  But check it out, I had pretty much decided that not many actually read the letter I left for them b/c it got soaked…..but… I was helping Eric get the kids in the car, my neighbor 2 doors down was leaving also, ya’ll, they NEVER wave or make eye contact….but today, today was a different day, the woman threw her arm up in the air and gave me a big ole wave, not one of those, “hey, I’m only waving b/c we made eye contact” kinda wave.  My heart started beating fast, and I looked at my husband and I said, “Did you see that? She actually waved!”  We both kinda smiled a nervous grin.

I’ve heard from several of you about how you are praying for those in your neighborhood while you exercise or walk every day.  PLEASE don’t stop, I know that sometimes we get busy, or it rains, or is hot, and eventually, I know it’s hard to imagine right now, but eventually it’s going to be too cold.  Whether or not you physically make it past those on your street, please still take the time to cover them in prayer.  Pray for salvation for the lost.  Pray for divine appointments between you and your neighbors. 

I have some cool stories to share later this week (hopefully) about how God has allowed me to talk about Him EVERYDAY to someone I work with (and yes I do work in the public schools).  Ya’ll….all the suffering you’ve experienced in your life, has a HUGE purpose.  You see, my God knows that while (by law) I can’t stand and pray over a meal at my school, or speak the name of Jesus to a student, I can share the miracles He’s done in my life.  I know not everyone gets to experience physical healing, but I have, and every time someone asks me if I’m going to have any more children, guess what, they get to hear about my Jesus.  When a co-worker tells me how broke they are…I get to tell them how I wept and prayed for financial provision, and how that very same day, a friend told me she was being obedient and the Lord told her to bring me some money….YOU CAN’T MAKE THAT STUFF UP!  God wants to use all the heartache and suffering you’ve experienced, to further the kingdom.  Ask Him to remind you of those hard times, and pray that you can begin sharing those with your neighbors! I love you all in Jesus name!

Stacey D

Friday, August 13, 2010

Drive-By's ARE a rush!

Well, yesterday afternoon we had two of our neighbors (who have kids) come over so their kids could play with Cali.  I think I burned about 500 calories seeing that my heart was racing at the speed of light.  They never brought up the letter, and neither did I, I figured the rest was up to the BIG FATHA.  Enough about my insecurities, now on to YOURS!

Are you praying for those in your neighborhood?  How has it changed your thoughts when you drive by the houses that you most likely never looked at very often?  I’ve found myself looking at every house I pass on my street to see if I get a wave…strangely, no one has been outside when I’ve driven through, but that anticipation makes my drive-by’s exciting.  I’m sooo excited for what God is doing in your heart and what only He can do, in theirs.  It kinda takes all the pressure off of spreading the gospel when you actually pray for them and then make yourself available to them.  This is an opportunity for you to pass the buck, which Baptists know how to do all to well:)

Keep on keepin’ on!

Stacey D

Thursday, August 12, 2010

You've Got Mail!

So today was the “big day”….I finally sent the letters to my neighbors.  This is how the morning started; I tell my daughter that we are going to be putting the letters on the mailbox between the flag and the box itself…....Lord knows I don’t need any media attention saying a teacher is committing a felony by opening mailboxes, much less to spread Jesus.   So off we go down the road, scared as all get out that one of them just might be outside, which would require conversation…yikes!  Of course Cali’s all about it, she skips to each mailbox happily placing the letter with no apprehension.  Oh to have that childlike faith sometimes!  Now for those of you who live locally and just happened to be outside about 8:30 this morning….it was hot AND sunny, by the time we delivered all 14 letters I was dripping in sweat. 

I kid you not….15 minutes later the bottom falls out of the sky, I mean pouring rain….really……?  I mean, nothing ever felt more like defeat.  Here’s the deal, I was obedient; that’s what he calls us to. It’s not my job to worry about if all the ink washed off the paper, but it IS my job to love my neighbor as myself. 

I had some errands to run after I delivered the goods (ya know, the letter!) this morning, but when I returned, I realized that 3 of the papers had been picked up. I took a deep breath, my heart was pounding….crap….I think to myself, now I have to wave and speak and smile and love EVERY time I see these people, this is real, there’s no turning back now.  Don’t you love that feeling?  It’s when I have those butterflies that I ask myself, now why exactly do I just sit back and stay comfortable? It’s when I get opportunities to tell my daughter that all Jesus has are His people to get this special message out, and if we don’t do our part, then someone may never get to know our Prince (she’s really into princesses).  Those are the moments God wants us to have EVERY day, those are the moments Jesus jumps in the break-dance circle up in heaven (I’m pretty sure that’s scriptural!).  Those are the moments you were created for.

So now we’ll see.  I’m pretty sure I’ll survive.  I’m nervous and excited all at the same time….that’s probably how Jesus felt in the garden don’t ya think?

Love you!

Stacey D 

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Jesus didn't have a Lazy Boy!

Wow, I was encouraged last night when I ran into a precious lady at church who was excited about the Prayer Challenge.  She made me laugh, which by the way, is sooo good for our soul (Ps 2:4~ He who sits in the heavens laughs), when she said she didn’t want to comment on the blog b/c others would know she read it and expect to see some action!  

We’ve all been guilty of having the knowledge of what we should do, but we decide to sit back, kick our feet up and say someone else will do it.  In this day and age the goal of many in the workforce is to work your way to the top.  We want to become the person who gets to tell everyone else what to do; we want to have control of the work schedule so that flexibility is to our advantage, we want to make more money so we can have more things of this world….right?

What if…..our goal was to work our way up to the top of a company, just so we could be the one who was able to tell a mom with a sick child, just stay at home, take care of your child….I’ll get your job done.  What if your main focus was to work your way to the top to make what the world calls a “big salary”, just so you could take that extra money (that the Lord provided for you might I add) and give it to those who need it.  I mean, we all know it’s better to give than to receive….but why in the world do we not take the opportunities to be the “hands and feet” of Jesus?  It’s like we want to be the “butt” of Jesus, we just want to sit back, in our favorite Lazy Boy, prop our feet up and pray that the Lord provides for those in need, instead of doing it ourselves. 

Think about it when Jesus healed the paralytic in Matthew 9, he didn’t tell the disciples to go get the man while I break in this new recliner, Jesus Christ himself, got into a boat to cross over to the city….Jesus “went”.  So my point is, that if we genuinely say we want to be like Jesus then it sounds like we need to get up, we need to go, we need to use what God has give us to meet the needs of the people.  That might be your home, or vehicle, money, hands etc….think about it, we have extremely quick access to people these days.  We just hop a plane, or jump in our cars to get where we need to be.  I ought to be extremely happy to use my air conditioned car to be about the business of Christ, b/c if I could be having to ride a donkey in this Florida heat, PTL for Mr. Ford!

I’m preaching to myself here, trust me!  Thank the Lord for where you are right now in your life, ask Him to reveal to you ways that you can meet the needs of people.  All He has is us to get the word out, don't entertain the devil by chillaxin in your rocker!

Here’s some trivia for you today and something to think about….Do you know the entire Lord’s prayer?  Go ahead and say it…..did you say it?  Now go to Matthew 6:9-13….did you add a few words?

Stacey D

Monday, August 9, 2010

The letter!

So yesterday I said I was sending a letter to my neighbors, today I sat down and typed it out, and I wanted to share it with you.  Take it or leave it, use it or tweek it, just get out of your sweet little comfort zone will ya?  I'm freakin' scared to be honest, because I know the Jesus I serve can do amazing things, the second is I'm going to actually have to keep my house cleaned, just in case folks start taking me up on my offer...yikes! Please don't read this blog and sit idle and comfortable in your own home. Love your neighbor as yourself, pray for them, smile at them, and yes...even wave at them, you might not can do this, but the Jesus inside of you can! So here it is!

Dear Neighbor,

I’ve experienced something in my life recently that has shown me I have a higher calling on this earth; I have a duty, and have been commanded to ‘love my neighbor as myself’.  Had someone sent me this a few years ago I probably would have thought they were crazy and tossed it in the trash, and no hard feelings if you do.  But what I soon realized was that when life throws curveballs at us, when we face financial struggles, terminal illness, or death of a loved one we all of a sudden hope there is a higher being that can pull us through this tough time.  We realize that we are completely out of control and have no other place to turn but up.

I have sent this to every home on Enchanted Oak Ct, so yes, your neighbor got one too.  Sending this letter makes me uncomfortable because rejection, and opinions that others have can hurt.  But here’s the deal, all I want you to know is that EVERY day your family will be covered in prayer.  Until I hear from you, I can’t know any specific hurts you might be facing, or stress you may be dealing with….and honestly I may never hear from you, and that’s okay too.  I will be praying for protection over those in your home, that the Lord provides for you financially, I will be praying that he mend any relationships that may be broken in your home.  I will be praying for healing for those who are sick, and I will thank Him for those who are healthy.  Feel free to email me at with any specific prayer requests, and you are always welcome anytime to come down to my house. 

I feel that the “church” sometimes misses it’s calling.  Jesus saw needs and met them, he LOVED everyone soooo much that he actually chose to die for you even before you were born (crazy I know). So I’m just getting out of my comfort zone a little and putting it out there that Jesus Christ is who has changed my life, if you’d like to hear my story, put me on the spot when you see me outside, make me uncomfortable, it’s okay. 

Please know that all we’re trying to be about, is to love others like Christ loved them.  My prayer is that we become friends.  I’m a little scared, but in a really cool way if that makes any sense.  Blessings dear neighbor!

His servant and yours,

Eric and Stacey Duncan
6627 Enchanted Oak Ct
Milton, FL 32583

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Crazy Love in Pensacola

This seems so simple but yet soooo complicated, so chaotic but so doable.  Francis Chan challenged me in his book Crazy Love.  Mr. Chan said, "Lukewarm people will serve God and others, but there are limits to how far they will go, or how much time, money and energy they are willing to give."  This is my challenge to Pensacola FL:  If you call yourself a follower of Christ, if you believe all things are possible through Christ, then it's time you pray for Pensacola like Christ would.

Think about it, when Jesus prayed before he was crucified, he didn't get up and have his bacon, eggs and cup of coffee first, he didn't flip on the news to see what was going on in the gulf, he didn't pick up an iphone in distress and call his BFF about the accusations he had against went to the garden, alone, to pour out his heart to his Father. In a crazy way that we can't comprehend, he loved those who hated and rejected him, he loved those who accused him, tried him, found him guilty and crucified him, yet he still prayed for them!

Most people, religious or not, don't mind someone praying for them when they've experienced sudden tragedy, because at that moment, they realize they're not in control....and just in case there is a higher being who can change situations, mend broken hearts, provide financially etc., then they want YOU to tap into your connection so their void can be filled, they figure it can't hurt right?  This is where your role comes into the scheme of things in Pensacola, FL.

This was God's idea, I'm just being obedient by putting it out there.  There will be those who say it can never happen, and unfortunately some of those will be believers.  All I can say is that if you genuinely want to see great things happen in Pensacola, if you want to see the lost come to Christ, the hungary to be fed, the sick to be healed, etc., then YOU must begin to pray as Jesus prayed.  He went to the Father on our behalf, are you getting the point?  You have to go to the Father on Pensacola's behalf and pray that Christ so richly fills you that the only thing people see when they look at you is JESUS.

There is nothing that you or I can do alone to win our city to is the Holy Spirit who draws people to himself, but the Holy Spirit is only in believers!  So my plan is to first begin by asking the Holy Spirit to fill me and all Christians in our city to the point that our cups run over.  Daily we need to begin praying specifically for the families who live on our street. If you don't know their name that's okay, you now have a new assignment, find out their name:)  I personally am going to write a letter and send to everyone on my street telling them that their family is being covered daily in prayer, and if they have anything in particular they need prayer for, then they can email me or come down to my house.  There is no right or wrong way to approach the throne of God on behalf of the families on your street and you don't have to send a letter like I'm doing, but I challenge you to set aside a time every day to pray over the families on your street.  Pray for the comfortable to become uncomfortable. Pray for His will above our will.

I Thessalonians 5:17 tells us to "pray without ceasing", now go my friend and approach the throne of grace!

Stacey D