Friday, August 20, 2010

"Shout Out" to Bill Cosby

“Decide that you want it more than you are afraid of it.”~ Billy Cosby.

Awesome advice that we can apply to our DAILY walk with the Lord.  On my way to work today, I asked the Lord to give me opportunities to laugh and love in Jesus name.  So for those of you who don’t know me very well, I’m a very serious person, laughter is hard for me….NOT…. !  The quote by Cosby is becoming my new mission motto, after all everyone loved the Cosby’s, and I can probably mention his name in school w/out fear of losing my job.  I’m just going to make the “it”, Jesus’ story being proclaimed.  Here comes the funny part about the Cosby thing.  One of the P.E. teachers I’m working with is 3 years from retirement, very quiet and reserved… complete opposite of me.  So remember, I’ve acquired several suffering stories in the past couple of years, and the Lord would love for me to give him the credit for pulling through.  Well today, after only 5 days on the job, I earned a new nickname. 

You see Quintella is the lady I work with, and she asked me my first day if I did bulletin boards…my quick response was no ( I actually hate doing bulletin boards).  So today when I came in, I saw she had been working on the bulletin board in the gym.  I kinda like to change people’s names to protect the innocent, so I told her I was going to start calling her BB Queen.  She said what?  I said, “Bulletin Board Queen”.  So we laughed about it, and went on about the morning.  A few hours later, I was telling her about my friend who ate “horse” while she was on this mission trip to KZ.  She paused for a second and said, “Girl, you’re like Bill Cosby Jr.”, I said, “What does that mean?”  She said, “You’ve got a story for everything”!  She said, “You’re new name is gonna be Cosby”.  And Cosby it is! 

Think about it, God has provided for us, been so faithful and gracious to us, but for some reason we take on the role of a mime when it comes to telling how we’ve pulled through all those times.  It’s time we become like Bill Cosby, and have our kingdom stories ready to share with those who need the Good News.  Make his quote, “Decide that you want it more than you are afraid of it.”, your new mission.  Keep on praying for those on your street.  Cover your family in prayer.  Ya’ll, prayer and Scripture are the only things we have to fight the enemy.  It’s the only things we have to trip him up and slow him down; but he is persistent, the Bible says he comes to kill, steal, and destroy.  But my Jesus says, “Greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world!” 


Stacey D (aka Cosby)


  1. Awesome job, "Cosby"! I gotta tell you- I was skeptical about this whole thing at first. I mean, really babychild- you've seen my neighborhoos! Not someplace you wanna get caught opening a mailbox! :-) Well, there are these kids in the neighborhood that really test my patience. They have dented my car riding their bikes in my driveway and crashing into the side of my car. One day, they thought it was a real hoot to turn off the power to my house by pulling the main breaker. Another day, they opened my gate and let my dogs out. So, needless to say, normally when I see them coming down the street, i get all tensed up and am not thinking happy thoughts.
    Well, I started praying for my neighbors and their family in particular. Two days into my prayer vigil, the oldest of the three boys comes riding up to my car as I'm pulling in the driveway. He opens my car door for me and asks if I need any help carrying stuff in the house and proceeds to tell me he's noticed that i've been having a hard time getting up the steps sometimes. Amazing kid. Amazing God. Amazing grace that made it possible for me to talk to him and ask him about his church, school, and family. :-) Now that we've started a conversation, I can keep going with it and hopefully get to talk to his parents, too. The kids go to Pensacola Christian, but they "don't go to church much" according to Keith. I feel a Cosby moment coming on!

  2. Awesome DD! Crazy how we can't fix certain situations, but HE can:) I hope you're loving your knew schools! It seems to be a world of difference for me!
