Well it’s been a while since I’ve written, and I must say, I thought about it every day, but since I’ve been back to work, I’ve just been whipped. The awesome part about going back to work, is that my wonderful hubby is the one who takes the kids to my friends house every day, which means I get about 30 minutes of ME time in the morning and about the same in the afternoon! That’s like 5 hours a week…woot, woot!
This morning after everyone left I prayed for all my neighbors, you know, the ones I like and the one’s I don’t. But check it out, I had pretty much decided that not many actually read the letter I left for them b/c it got soaked…..but…..as I was helping Eric get the kids in the car, my neighbor 2 doors down was leaving also, ya’ll, they NEVER wave or make eye contact….but today, today was a different day, the woman threw her arm up in the air and gave me a big ole wave, not one of those, “hey, I’m only waving b/c we made eye contact” kinda wave. My heart started beating fast, and I looked at my husband and I said, “Did you see that? She actually waved!” We both kinda smiled a nervous grin.
I’ve heard from several of you about how you are praying for those in your neighborhood while you exercise or walk every day. PLEASE don’t stop, I know that sometimes we get busy, or it rains, or is hot, and eventually, I know it’s hard to imagine right now, but eventually it’s going to be too cold. Whether or not you physically make it past those on your street, please still take the time to cover them in prayer. Pray for salvation for the lost. Pray for divine appointments between you and your neighbors.
I have some cool stories to share later this week (hopefully) about how God has allowed me to talk about Him EVERYDAY to someone I work with (and yes I do work in the public schools). Ya’ll….all the suffering you’ve experienced in your life, has a HUGE purpose. You see, my God knows that while (by law) I can’t stand and pray over a meal at my school, or speak the name of Jesus to a student, I can share the miracles He’s done in my life. I know not everyone gets to experience physical healing, but I have, and every time someone asks me if I’m going to have any more children, guess what, they get to hear about my Jesus. When a co-worker tells me how broke they are…I get to tell them how I wept and prayed for financial provision, and how that very same day, a friend told me she was being obedient and the Lord told her to bring me some money….YOU CAN’T MAKE THAT STUFF UP! God wants to use all the heartache and suffering you’ve experienced, to further the kingdom. Ask Him to remind you of those hard times, and pray that you can begin sharing those with your neighbors! I love you all in Jesus name!
Stacey D