Monday, August 9, 2010

The letter!

So yesterday I said I was sending a letter to my neighbors, today I sat down and typed it out, and I wanted to share it with you.  Take it or leave it, use it or tweek it, just get out of your sweet little comfort zone will ya?  I'm freakin' scared to be honest, because I know the Jesus I serve can do amazing things, the second is I'm going to actually have to keep my house cleaned, just in case folks start taking me up on my offer...yikes! Please don't read this blog and sit idle and comfortable in your own home. Love your neighbor as yourself, pray for them, smile at them, and yes...even wave at them, you might not can do this, but the Jesus inside of you can! So here it is!

Dear Neighbor,

I’ve experienced something in my life recently that has shown me I have a higher calling on this earth; I have a duty, and have been commanded to ‘love my neighbor as myself’.  Had someone sent me this a few years ago I probably would have thought they were crazy and tossed it in the trash, and no hard feelings if you do.  But what I soon realized was that when life throws curveballs at us, when we face financial struggles, terminal illness, or death of a loved one we all of a sudden hope there is a higher being that can pull us through this tough time.  We realize that we are completely out of control and have no other place to turn but up.

I have sent this to every home on Enchanted Oak Ct, so yes, your neighbor got one too.  Sending this letter makes me uncomfortable because rejection, and opinions that others have can hurt.  But here’s the deal, all I want you to know is that EVERY day your family will be covered in prayer.  Until I hear from you, I can’t know any specific hurts you might be facing, or stress you may be dealing with….and honestly I may never hear from you, and that’s okay too.  I will be praying for protection over those in your home, that the Lord provides for you financially, I will be praying that he mend any relationships that may be broken in your home.  I will be praying for healing for those who are sick, and I will thank Him for those who are healthy.  Feel free to email me at with any specific prayer requests, and you are always welcome anytime to come down to my house. 

I feel that the “church” sometimes misses it’s calling.  Jesus saw needs and met them, he LOVED everyone soooo much that he actually chose to die for you even before you were born (crazy I know). So I’m just getting out of my comfort zone a little and putting it out there that Jesus Christ is who has changed my life, if you’d like to hear my story, put me on the spot when you see me outside, make me uncomfortable, it’s okay. 

Please know that all we’re trying to be about, is to love others like Christ loved them.  My prayer is that we become friends.  I’m a little scared, but in a really cool way if that makes any sense.  Blessings dear neighbor!

His servant and yours,

Eric and Stacey Duncan
6627 Enchanted Oak Ct
Milton, FL 32583


  1. Love this! Anxious to see the results!

  2. Great job on the letter Stacey! Awesome.

  3. Wow! I've just been trying to work up the courage to have a little block party in my cul-de-sac. You are brave, girl! :) It's awesome!

  4. Posted my postcard to neighbors on one of your other posts. Anyway, read it and tell me what you think!
